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off-limits and those that did contract the disease were
terribly sick and placed in “iron lungs”.
Welcome to the March 2020 issue of Inspirations Many survived but not without debilitating nerve
Magazine! damage. My mother recalled visiting a school friend
What is Inspirations Magazine? when she was in grade school. She remembered vividly
Inspirations Magazine is a print/online vehicle for seeing the young man laying in the iron lung and being
information of interest to seniors, caregivers, and sad and afraid. He did survive - but had to walk with a
anyone interested in the services offered by your cane his whole life. The polio scare continued until
organization. Each month there will be sections that can 1955, when Dr. Jonas Salk developed a polio vaccine.
be configured specifically for your parish or county We seem to be in a similar situation today, only this
organization. The rest of the magazine will have stories, disease touches us all. It doesn’t discriminate and we are
articles and other information that is of interest to the quickly discovering just how unimportant the things that
readers. divide us really are.
From all of us at Inspirations Magazine, we wish you all
the best, stay healthy, look out for our seniors, and pray
for the quick recovery of the people of our planet! God
Bless Us All!
This is a sample issue using the basic format for what Interested in more information? Drop an email to:
your organization magazine would look like.
Since our premiere issue, life has changed dramatically. In this Issue:
Many of us find ourselves living in a world of Remembering Yesterday:
disinfectants, chlorine wipes, antiviral sprays, and Note from the Editor
staying home for a few weeks to hopefully lessen the Gardening With Daddy—part two
spread of infection of COVID19. Living Today:
Here at Inspirations Magazine, we’ve been thinking back If you ask… Me!
to when there were past threats (seen and unseen) to Hemp or Hype: Cannabis Creams do they work?
Americans. One in particular was the polio scare in the Staying Safe: Information from the CDC
1940s and 50s. It was a time when illness threatened
our young people - my mother, remembers this scare Imagining the Future:
very well. When we spoke, she remembered it struck in The Miracles of Medicine: Telemedicine & Telehealth
the summer months and swimming in ponds, lakes were
Inspirations Magazine
An Independent Magazine for Independent Minded People
Editor-in-Chief, Suzanne DeKeyzer James
For advertising, story submissions, or distribution information call: 318-613-0920
The editorial content and views expressed in Inspirations Magazine does not constitute endorsement.
Front Cover Image: Spring is Officially Here!
Page 1 Inspirations Magazine | Spring